Golf Manor is for everyone

This election, we have the opportunity to make that clear by voting Yes on 10.

Vote Yes on 10 to:

  • Attract new families and businesses by having a fair and inclusive community

  • Allow people to be treated fairly and have equal opportunities to work, secure housing, do business, and live their lives in Golf Manor

  • Keep Golf Manor’s nondiscrimination ordinance and Human Rights Commission in place

Do you support equality and inclusion in Golf Manor?

If the answer is YES, vote YES on 10!

Voting No on 10 would:

  • Eliminate Golf Manor’s local protections for people who face discrimination

  • Eliminate all protections for people who face discrimination because of their sexual orientation or gender identity or expression in housing, education, and public accommodations—explicit protections do not exist at the state or federal level


“This Ordinance provides the consideration and inclusiveness that all Village residents should expect and deserve.”—Golf Manor resident and former Executive Committee member Gwen Boggs

“This Ordinance provides the consideration and inclusiveness that all Village residents should expect and deserve.”

Golf Manor resident and former Executive Committee member Gwen Boggs

“Throughout my career, I've been committed to ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to live, work, play, and pray in their community, no matter who they are.”

—State Senator Cecil Thomas

“It’s an honor to have a consequential role in the long arc bending to justice. We can all have that honor voting YES on Issue 10!”—Golf Manor Mayor Stefan Densmore

“It’s an honor to have a consequential role in the long arc bending to justice. We can all have that honor voting YES on Issue 10!”

—Golf Manor Mayor Stefan Densmore

How You Can Contribute


Early voting is underway! Join us to make calls to likely supporters in Golf Manor and make sure they get to the polls to vote Yes on 10.


Support our efforts to get the word out about Golf Manor’s nondiscrimination ordinance and voting Yes on 10!



  • Nondiscrimination protections are not a partisan issue—they’re just a commonsense way to ensure fairness for everyone in Golf Manor.

  • Over 22 states, the District of Columbia, and over 200 cities (including 31 in Ohio) have implemented ordinances similar to Golf Manor’s nondiscrimination ordinance without issue.

  • The Council spent over a year listening to and incorporating feedback on the nondiscrimination ordinance from the community and legal experts.

  • This ordinance passed 3 Council votes, with a majority of Council members voting in favor each time.

  • The ordinance protects religious freedom, with 7 exemptions ensuring that religious organizations can continue to exercise their Constitutional rights.